

2023年演讲的诸多成功之处 & 辩论

今年, 在过去的一学年,我们的演讲和辩论队恢复了全职的面对面比赛, they have achieved outst和ing state 和 national tournament success.

演讲 & 辩论队 in front of Blue Devil posters
(L-R) 内森 Nguyen 24岁, 艾娃·巴比埃,26岁, 约拿23岁, 乔治·蒂西,23岁, 拉尼·格林,25岁, Eric Barbiere, 26岁, Jen Lavagnino-Sisk, 23岁, Keelin Walshe, 23岁, 伊莎贝拉 多诺万的24, Michael Menegatos, 26岁
如何演讲 & 辩论节目作品

Poly的演讲和辩论项目是一个由个人和学生组成的大型团队,他们参加各种各样的活动. As the team has completed their regular season portion of the year, 他们期待着今年春天的三次全国锦标赛和纽约州锦标赛.


乔治·蒂西,23岁约拿23岁 have 合格的 to all four championships, including the Tournament of Champions (TOC), 纽约州锦标赛, the National 演讲 和 辩论 Championships (NSDA), the National Catholic Forensic League Championships (NCFL). 乔治和乔纳作为纽约地区的顶级队伍获得了参加NSDA全国赛的资格, winning our regional qualifying Public Forum (PF) tournament. They 合格的 to the TOC as the second highest ranking bid team in the country. The TOC was the weekend of April 14-17 in Lexington, 肯塔基大学的KY和NSDA将在开学的最后一周举行, 6月11日至16日在凤凰城举行, AZ.

For the National Catholic Forensic League (NCFL) Championships, partnerships of 艾娃·巴比埃,26岁内森 Nguyen 24岁, Eric Barbiere, 26岁 Michael Menegatos, 26岁 PF合格.

在林肯道格拉斯(LD), 拉尼·格林,25岁 合格的 和 placed first in her division.

在演讲事件中, Jen Lavagnino-Sisk, 23岁 also 合格的 和 placed first in Original Oratory.

贝拉·多诺万24岁 戏剧口译合格. And Poly’s first-ever 两人的解释 team of Keelin的23凯斯特25岁,沃尔什 合格的. 这次全国锦标赛将在阵亡将士纪念日周末在肯塔基州路易斯维尔举行.

(L-R) Keelin Walshe, 23岁, 凯斯特·沃尔什,25岁, 安珀·多西克25岁, 拉尼·格林,25岁, Jen Lavagnino-Sisk, 23岁 at the Qualifying tournament for NCFL Nationals.

在纽约州立锦标赛中,保利大学获得参赛资格的学生数量是有史以来最多的. Students 合格的 in two debate events 和 four speech categories. 在公共论坛和林肯道格拉斯, 乔治, 约拿, 艾娃, 内森, 和拉尼代表保利辩论. For 演讲, Jen, Keelin 和 Kester 合格的 to States. In addition, Poly will send two additional 两人的解释 teams of 布莱斯·特伦特,24岁扎克·拉姆瑟,24岁, 汉克·福特25岁Adam Ellozy, 24岁. MaKiyah Turner-Hicks, 24岁 戏剧口译合格 和 安珀·多西克25岁 声明中限定的. 纽约州锦标赛 will take place April 29 和 30.

(L-R) Cait幸福 艾迪·菲茨杰拉德

Director of Forensics 和 辩论 艾迪·菲茨杰拉德 reports that the 演讲 和 辩论 teams, with 63 students participating this year, have had a full schedule of 25-30 regular competitions from September to March.

菲茨杰拉德说,学生们不仅喜欢回到面对面的比赛中, 但也享受在活动中见到来自全国各地的朋友的社交一面. 在常规赛期间, students may compete at two or three tournaments a month, then travel in January 和 February almost every week. 4月到6月是季后赛,有州和全国冠军赛.

菲茨杰拉德 oversees the whole program, as well as teaching, 凯特·布利斯,演讲副主任, oversees the 演讲 program 和 teaches speech classes.


在常规赛中, students earn bids to qualify for state 和 national tournaments. Our 辩论 team competes in Public Forum 辩论, 它一直是保利学生的强项,过去的球队曾获得过国家荣誉. 今年 Poly has restarted participation in Lincoln-Douglas 辩论, which features questions of social issues, 多样性, 和身份.

约拿 长官和乔治 Tiesi辩论队
(L-R) 约拿23岁乔治·蒂西,23岁

菲茨杰拉德说,保利的顶级PF团队乔纳和乔治是全国顶级的公共论坛团队之一. They are ranked as the top two debaters in NY State.

萨和铁丝, who started in the 辩论 program as 中学 students, won the preliminary tournament round robin at the Harvard Tournament, where a small number of teams were invited to compete. 他们保持不败,并一路杀入了哈佛大学锦标赛的决赛, 常规赛中最大的.

“(参加公共论坛辩论)为我提供了提高分析和理解复杂问题和观点的能力的机会, as well as convey my conclusions in a persuasive manner.”

在右边, 约拿23岁

“乔治 和 I have been best friends for years,”他解释道, “which has enabled us to have a fruitful 和 incredibly enjoyable partnership. 我们在八年级时一起辩论, but have debated with different partners for the past three years. 在我们大四的时候和乔治重聚让我们既兴奋又怀旧.”

“参加公共论坛辩论是培养我批判性思维的绝佳方式, 公众演讲, 研究技能,”他说。. “它也为我提供了提高分析和理解复杂问题和观点的能力的机会, as well as convey my conclusions in a persuasive manner.他补充道, “我还与来自全国各地的人建立了友谊,他们和我一样欣赏辩论.”


Rani Green, 25岁, 今年在保利大学重新启动林肯-道格拉斯辩论项目的人在国家橄榄球联盟获得了该类别的第一名. 这对菲茨杰拉德来说尤其令人兴奋,他在高中时就参加了林肯-道格拉斯.

Jen Lavagnino-Sisk和Rani Green
(L-R) Jen Lavagnino-Sisk, 23岁拉尼·格林,25岁

“The NCFL was by far my favorite tournament of the year,” said Green. “It’s not because I won, but it’s because it challenged me to be a better debater. The NCFL tournament is a very traditional tournament. 这意味着我通常讨论的辩论话题在这些比赛中并不是很好. 事实上, 在另一场全国预选赛, 我几乎输掉了所有的官司,因为我无法向传统的法官推销我的案子. 但是这次比赛, 我适应得很好, 我也能更好地解释自己, 我真的进步了.”

格林解释说:“林肯-道格拉斯是一个深入挖掘我所关心的事情的机会。. “对于每一个主题,我都要审视法律、命题等等的道德性. I also have the opportunity to advocate for Black people in the debate space, 这一点非常重要.”

Green 说 that the 辩论 team at Poly has been like a family for her.我的教练们对我的影响很大,不仅影响了我作为一名辩手的品质,也影响了我做人的品质. They’ve really helped me grow over the past few years. 球队里所有的孩子也教会了我很多,他们就像我的兄弟姐妹一样.”


布利斯解释说,保利参与的演讲活动包括原创演讲, 朗诵, 戏剧性的解释, 两人的解释, 散文和诗歌. 幸福, 专业演员, explains that In the interpretative speech events, students develop 10-minute memorized dramatic performances of excerpts from a play, 小说, 电影, 或者任何出版的作品. 在最初的演讲中, 学生的研究, 写, deliver an original 10-minute memorized speech on a topic of their choosing.

(L-R) 乔治·蒂西,23岁, 约拿23岁, 亚历克斯·巴沙姆,26岁, 拉尼·格林,25岁, 凯斯特·沃尔什,25岁, Michael Menegatos, 26岁, Keelin Walshe, 23岁, 内森 Nguyen 24岁, Eric Barbiere, 26岁, 艾娃·巴比埃,26岁, 贝尔德湖26号, Jen Lavagnino-Sisk, 23岁, 安珀·多西克25岁

In comparison to tournament participation from last year to this, the 上学校 team has seen twice as much participation. Nine 演讲 students have 合格的 for the state championship, 什么会在四月底举行. “We have never taken this many speech students to states before,” 幸福 said.


An incredible regular season 演讲 team achievement was MaKiyah Turner-Hicks’24 performance in the 戏剧性的解释 category 在宾夕法尼亚大学, making it to the semifinals in MaKiyah’s second tournament of the season.

Jen Lavagnino-Sisk ' 23 演讲队队长, 在NCFL全国资格赛中获得原创演讲类第一名.

”的演讲,拉瓦尼诺-西克说, “specifically this year’s competition season where I competed in Original Oratory, 磨练了我的批判性思维能力. 我变得更善于识别竞争对手演讲中的逻辑矛盾,并在需要时改写我的部分论点,使我的观点更清楚.”

“今年, 在宾夕法尼亚大学,拉瓦尼诺-西克说, “我们带了我认为是我在保利大学期间最会说话的孩子来参加比赛. 在比赛的前一晚,我们都互相跑位,然后互相称赞. 每个人都很支持我,都有很棒的作品,即使当时是晚上10点,我也因为旅行而很累, 房间里的能量很有感染力,让我想整晚都在看团队的表演,并因为我们对演讲的热爱而团结起来.”

演讲 & 辩论队
(左至右)At, penn; 伊芙·哈里斯26岁, Keelin Walshe, 23岁, MaKiyah Turner-Hicks ’24, 凯斯特·沃尔什,25岁, Jen Lavagnino-Sisk, 23岁, 琥珀Dosik ’25坐在前面, 布莱斯·特伦特,24岁

“Competing in person was an adjustment for me,拉瓦尼诺-西克补充说, “as I started competing during COVID when everything was virtual. One of the biggest differences that I had to adjust to was my movements. On camera, I only have so much space to walk around. When I switched to in-person I had to learn how to utilize a bigger space.”

菲茨杰拉德 explained that most of the coaching happens before the tournament. At the tournament is the time to make minor adjustments. 布利斯说,在演讲中,两轮之间可能会有一些“微调”的变化.”  Additionally, coaches may be scouting other teams to check out the competition.


幸福 said that they are focusing on community outreach, introducing the Poly community to 演讲 和 辩论. 去年秋天,拉瓦尼诺-西克在返校节期间的艺术展示会上展示了她的原创演讲. 今年春天, 5月17日将举行一个特别的演讲和辩论展示活动,其中包括两场演讲, one from 4:00-6:00 PM 和 the other from 6:30-8:00 PM. 布利斯说,这将是“让人们看到演讲和辩论如何为保利社区做出贡献的一种方式,并为学生提供一个宣传和讲故事的平台.”


至于这个项目的未来, 菲茨杰拉德, who is finishing his first year as director, hopes to see the continued high level of competition. He also wants the team to be “a place where any student can explore their voice.”

After a very successful Poly debate career, 长官, 谁打算在大学里继续辩论, 说, “我鼓励任何想参加演讲与辩论课的人尽快参加比赛. 辩论赛的气氛充满了兴奋和社区,在某种程度上,你会立刻被吸引进去.”
